In celebration of Women’s History Month, Scheef & Stone illustrates how past inspires us to redefine the future and showcases the inspiration and expertise of the women attorneys who elevate our firm and client service.
Which woman in the firm or the business community inspires you and why?
Each of the female attorneys at Scheef & Stone inspires me, despite being in different practice areas or life stages. My colleague, Leslie Sanderson, has been a consistent confidante during my time with the firm. She started at the firm a year after I did and for the past fifteen years has been my sounding board for everything from analyzing complex legal issues to navigating life with two pre-teen girls.
If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be and why?
My grandmothers, so that I could learn more about my family history.
What led you to the practice of law and/or to your specific area of law?
Being from a family of service members, I was initially drawn to the public service aspect of the practice of law. Although I ended up in private practice, I am serving clients in my own way – helping businesses grow with each transaction I work on. It is also enjoyable to see a client’s or a client’s customer’s project come to fruition.
How is being a woman lawyer advantageous?
Being a woman lawyer is advantageous because we naturally know how to juggle the various facets of life. We also bring a varied mindset to the practice of law.
What advice (professional or personal) would you give your younger self or the next generation of women leaders?
The practice of law is never consistent, so take time to enjoy the slow times and truly appreciate the little things that life has to offer.
To learn more about Heather, please click here.